Control Modes

The Mode menu is as follows:-

Rotate (F4) mouse,cursor keys control object rotation
Move (F5) mouse,cursor keys control object translation
LowCut mouse,cursor keys control object sub-volume selection by adjustment of the low x, low y, low z corner of the data which is the top,front,left corner of the data in the initial view
UpperCut mouse,cursor keys control object sub-volume selection by adjustment of the high x, high y, high z corner of the data
Scroll if a sub-volume has been selected (as above), this allows the region to be moved through the data
Resize (F6) mouse, cursor keys control image size
Place Marker (F7) mouse controls marker placement
reslice (F8) 3 orthogonal sections are drawn, left mouse click & drag in a quadrant controls the cross hairs in that quadrant, cursor keys also active
Back Cull mouse, cursor keys control back plane cut
3D Edit (F9) paint on image to edit in 3D
2D slice edit edit individual slices
Draw Force the image to be re-rendered
AutoRepeat (F3) if tagged, a rotation, move etc. will be repeated. Use of the cursor keys is incremental, allowing fine control of the direction and speed of the repeating sequence
StartView (F2) Restore the initial viewpoint (rotation only)
StartPos (F2) Restore the initial position (translation only)

The options in this menu are duplicated on the toolbar buttons.

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